It’s a Boy!

I am pleased to introduce the newest member of the Taylor family:

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Paul Kerry Taylor
Born Monday, March 16, 2015 at 8:39 PM
5 pounds and 14 ounces
19 inches long

Paul is the most handsome little baby boy with already-brownish eyes, his Daddy’s facial features, and more hair than his 18-month-old sister. We were so blessed to be able to bring him home on Wednesday evening at just two days old and he has been busy making all of us so happy.

I am eager to share more about the details surrounding Paul’s birth and first days, but I’ll have to ask you all to be patient while we rest, recover, and adjust to a very new experience for us: life at home with a newborn.

6 thoughts on “It’s a Boy!

  1. Woo Hoo! Thank you for letting me come and play with the girls while you were with Paul! Not sure we could be any happier that you have a newborn IN YOUR HOME!!!! Love you!

  2. I am so ecstatic for you. What a precious boy!!!! And by the way, one of our 9 children (all of whom were full term) was 5 lb 12 oz at birth! You did a GREAT job making a strong, baby boy :-). So thankful that you were able to carry him to 35 weeks and bring him home from the hospital.

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